3 moves to design a winning strategy for Innovation & Intellectual Property
The present-day business world is competitive, complex, and interconnected. Organizations must innovate to survive. Innovation is an expensive exercise and needs smart people to work on it, those that are not always within your organization. To succeed, many now co-create with others outside their own organization; this too is not an easy task.
Many organizations struggle with questions on how to capitalize on bright ideas, how to select the ideal partner, how to capture value in a co-created innovation, how to enable a team to think strategically, how to commercialize an invention, how to manage the innovation process itself, how to use intellectual property as a negotiation tool, how to manage the innovation eco-system, what tools to use to simplify and solve the challenge, amongst other things.
The Innovation Matrix simplifies and structures innovation management and strategy; It urges organizations of any size – whether a start-up, a corporate, an institute, or social establishment, professionals or novices - whether you are an innovator, project manager, artist, business developer, engineer, lawyer, contract manager, or social entrepreneur, to use Intellectual property, simplification, and design thinking techniques as tools in managing innovation and building your strategy.
Through three key steps (THINK-STRATEGIZE-ACT), you can build a strategy whether it is for innovation, intellectual property distribution, partnering, commercializing inventions, creating business models, or customizing and simplifying legal documents.

Six building blocks are identified to help you judge what your organization is, has, or needs for its innovation ambitions. Analysing these building blocks will enable to identify the essentials for your strategy.

A Matrix presents possible strategies that can be adopted by an organization for an innovation project or a particular product or service. It serves as a guide to finding an approach towards innovation partners, distribution and sharing of intellectual property, possible business models, and identifying key components for contractual terms and conditions.

Three key factors that will help implement a strategy are deliberated upon: working your ecosystem, clever contracting, and the right innovation attitude.
the Innovation Matrix
Three Moves to Design a Winning Strategy for Innovation and Intellectual Property Simplify and structure your innovation management and strategy: through three key steps you build an Innovation and IP Strategy.
Author: Deepika Jeyakodi and Mirjam Ros
Paperback with flaps
128 pages
20 x 17 cm
ISBN 978 90 6369 520 0
Buy the book on Bispublishers
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the Innovation Matrix
Three Moves to Design a Winning Strategy for Innovation and Intellectual Property Simplify and structure your innovation management and strategy: through three key steps you build an Innovation and IP Strategy.
Author: Deepika Jeyakodi and Mirjam Ros
Paperback with flaps
128 pages
20 x 17 cm
ISBN 978 90 6369 520 0
Buy the book on Bispublishers
Free shipping within the Netherlands
and tools
Use the resources and tools in this section to start applying the 3 moves - Think, Strategize, and Act.
Building blocks template
Use this template to identify and analyze the Building Blocks in your organization, your innovation projects/cases, or even to assess your ecosystem and partners.
Needs & Contributions Matrix
This Matrix can be used in different stages: when first selecting a partner, after choosing a partner, and when finalizing the partnership. It provides valuable insights into and overviews of both parties’ requirements, expectations, contributions and benefits in each stage.
IP and Innovation term sheet
This tool offers a quick overview on the IP resulting from your innovation. Your innovation team can use it as a ready reference to keep track of a range of activities (contracting, sales, marketing).
Use this tool in combination with the Wedding cake model to specifically distribute IP between parties.
wedding cake model brainstorm
This is a useful tool to identify and distribute the rights to the results of innovation between you and your partners. Wedges of IP can be distributed to several parties, so that more than one party can utilize the same product/technology/service.
Innovation & IP Strategy Masterclass
For whom?
This Masterclass is for innovators, innovation leaders, managers and policy-makers. If you are an ambitious and fast-thinking leader who wants to accelerate your innovation and wants to tackle the challenge of setting the right priorities and next steps in your complex and fast-changing business environment, then this Masterclass is for you!
We use our three moves THINK, STRATEGIZE, ACT, to design a winning strategy with and for you.
Are any of these questions on your mind:
- How do we safeguard our crown jewels?
- How to select the right partners?
- How to respond to organizations claiming your IP?
- Are patents worth the investment?
- How to work with contracts we understand?
We will guide you towards
- Feeling secure about your innovation strategy, partnering approach and IP position in the market;
- Aligning your innovation with your commercial strategy and having a solid and pitch-ready approach for investors;
- Making your innovation leads to good returns on your investments.
What you’ll learn:
With our three moves THINK, STRATEGIZE, ACT, you will learn what’s most crucial for you right now in your context. You’ll learn how to design a winning Innovation, Collaboration and IP strategy, to commercially capitalize on your bright ideas.
Q1 2024
We have some exciting Innovation Management, Collaboration & IP workshops scheduled for 2024 with reputed innovation labs, accelerators and different companies, from large to small.
Get in touch with us to see how and where you can participate!
If you need dedicated sessions for your team or organization, please contact us with your requirements.
The Innovation Matrix
How to make your innovation a
commercial success.